Welcome To Arya Samaj Seva Samiti Trust

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    Arya Samaj Seva Samiti Trust Arya Samaj Seva Samiti Trust (ASSST) is a Non-Governmental Organizationstarted in the year 2009 initially to address the issues Rohtak and nearbyareas. In further years ASSST expanded its services in the areas of Education,Women development, Child care, Environmental and Health care based on the needs. ASSST primarily works for betterment of the weaker section of the society. ASSST strongly believes in equality in standards of living is the basic right of every human being. To achieve this vision, SST has taken an approach to focus on providing various services. Below is the list of services support by ASSST.



ASSST believes education is the prime factor to increase the social standard of the weaker section. From the year 2009 ASSST has been involved itself in various initiatives for the improvement of education among communities. Educational awareness campaigns are conducted for the general public through periodic meetings. Meritorious students are awarded prizes ranging from gold coins to cash certificates every year. To encourage them to excel and perform better in their learning and career. Senior Secondary, Higher secondary and College students are chosen and rewarded.

For the economically weaker sections school fees payments are done thereby helping them to achieve continuous education. Also burden of educational expenses is substantially taken care by ASSST for the weaker sections of the society. In spite of the limited funds ASSST currently identified a poor meritorious medical student in Rohtak district. For the past two years ASSST bears the full term fees of the student, also committed to support till her course completion. ASSST aim to extend this type of support for many such needy meritorious students in the coming years with the help of likeminded donors.

In the various functions conducted by the trust the importance and necessity of quality education and its benefits are discussed and debated. The awareness about higher education is provided through various channels. Currently the program is fully supported by generous funding of local patrons, by which ASSST is able to support only limited/few of the needy students. ASSST is looking for more donors to come forward to support large number of poor students.